creart Gallery
Alexandru Lahovari Square no. 7, Bucharest

February 14 - February 17 2022




creart Gallery
Alexandru Lahovari Square no. 7, Bucharest

February 14 - February 17 2022



THE WORK IS BASED ON THE LIFE STORY OF MISS D (person living with HIV in Norway)

„The installation includes three concepts, namely LOVE, FRIENDSHIP and PERFORMANCE, but treated under a single concept of questioning the speeds to which the material we interact with is subjected. When I say speeds, I mean the speed at which the earth spins around its own axis, the speed of the gravitational force pushing the planet around the sun, and the speed at which the universe expands and accelerates. All three of these speeds, though it may not seem like it, make matter dance. Through this dance we all belong to each other and not just to ourselves. Life with HIV is represented by one of the characters." - Daniel Sascău

Daniel Sascău started studying art in 9th grade, when he was admitted to the George Apostu National High School of Arts in Bacau. He was the student of the teacher and great artist Ovidiu Marciuc. Since the 9th grade he started to participate in international art symposiums, in art camps with artists from the country and abroad. He is currently a master student at the George Enescu National University of Arts in Iasi, at the Faculty of Visual Arts and Design, Graphic Design section. He has participated in numerous group and solo exhibitions, national and international symposiums.

This signal exhibition is part of the project "When ContempArt helps social!" organized by Semper Musica Association. On this occasion, 15 Romanian and Norwegian artists will exhibit at the Creart Gallery 15 art works related to the difficulties and challenges of living with HIV in Norway and Romania.

Project funded through SEE 2014 – 2021 Grants within the RO-CULTURA Program.